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Marketing is an essential element for every business. It can be that one missing piece of the puzzle, and when it fits the big picture ....
Although we all know that training can have many amazing benefits, sometimes it can be hard to prove those benefits with a dollar value to ....
In this workshop, you will get the knowledge you need to effectively manage your image and value by forming solid networks through strategic communication planning. ....
Traditionally, middle managers make up the largest managerial layer in an organization. The Middle Manager is ...
Mobile learning, or mLearning, is defined as the delivery of learning, education or training on mobile devices, such as ...
Everyone can always use some inspiration and motivation. This workshop will help your participant’s target the unique ways each team member is motivated. Finding the ....
Multi-level marketing, also known as MLM, is a business marketing strategy that many companies use in order to encourage current agents to perform while at ....
Although people often think of boardrooms, suits, and million dollar deals when they hear the word negotiation, the truth is that we negotiate all the ....
Networking according to Merriam Webster is “the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for ....
Networking is one of the most basic and essential skills employees should develop. Having great networking skills within an organization is sometimes overlooked. Having a ....
Developing good Organizational Skill is an investment that will provide benefits for years. These skills will filter through all aspects of your professional and personal ....
Experiencing a sales objection can be a disheartening event. Through this course your participants will learn how to eliminate the objection and push through to ....
Performance Management is making sure all employees are focused on the same priorities. When done correctly, it improves production and reducing waste. It helps the ....
Personal Branding is identifying your assets, characteristics, strengths, and skills as an individual. Understanding Personal Branding will provide ...
Most people find that they wish they had more time in a day. This workshop will you how to organize your lives and find those ....
Many studies have found that public speaking is the number one fear among most people, outranking flying, snakes, insects, and even death! Ironically, it is ....
In the past few decades, organizations have discovered something incredible: the principles that have been used to create enormous successes in large projects can be ....
Prospecting and lead generation is the method of making links which may lead to a sale or other promising result. The leads may come from ....
According to a survey by the Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and ....
A respectful work environment is essential to the overall success of your team, as well as a contribution to a stronger work reputation.
One of the most critical traits to look for in an employee is responsibility. Responsible employees drive the success of an organization,