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Many organizations simply wait for talent to come to them. Simply advertising an open position and hoping that you find the right talent does not ....
Would you like to be your own boss? Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business? Don’t know what to....
Events do not just happen, they take time to plan, develop, and create. This course is designed to give you the tools needed to host ....
Facilitation is often referred to as the new cornerstone of management philosophy with its focus on fairness and creating an easy decision- making process. Creating ....
Goal Setting is one of the most basic and essential skills necessary for all professionals. We touch on goal setting techniques, time management, and what ....
What is the best way to handle a difficult customer? Through this workshop you will learn stress management skills, how to build rapport, and recognizing ....
A healthy employee is a happy and productive employee, and that is a goal for every organization. Through our Health and Wellness at Work program....
High Performance Teams (Remote Workforce) are organizations, teams or groups working in a virtual environment focused on achieving the same goals....
Successful companies are made up of great employees, so why not hire great employees? Hiring and training employees is an expensive venture. ...
Recently tasks that were originally thought to fall under the responsibility of the human resources department have become a part of many managers’ job descriptions. ....
Improving mindfulness is about understanding yourself and being “in the moment”. Participants will become more mindful of their actions and learn how to express and ....
Self-awareness is developing an understanding of your emotions and feelings. It is an awareness of the physical, emotional, ...
In the age of online shopping and technology, in-person sales can easily be ignored. Do not overlook the importance of personal contact. You never know ....
Increasing one’s happiness can be done through the power of positive thinking. That is one skill that this course will touch on to teach you ....
Marketing has changed dramatically over the last decade. Marketing is all about communicating, and the Internet has completely changed the way people communicate. The Internet ....
We've all met that dynamic, charismatic person that just has a way with others, and has a way of being remembered. You will identify ways ....
Searching for a job can be intimidating. How do you know what job you’re best suited for? How do you build a winning resume and ....
They say that leaders are born, not made. While it is true that some people are born leaders, some leaders are born in the midst ....
Women’s leadership has consistently proven to be a powerful force for positive change in the world, with female leaders sharing unique skills, strengths, and perspectives ....
For many people, finances are an unsolvable Rubik's cube filled with anxiety. We rarely teach young people the value of a good credit score. Many ....
Everyone will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Anxiety is a normal reaction characterized by feelings of fear or apprehension ....
Oh, you may say, “not in my office,” or “not our team,” but workplace harassment is an increasing issue in the organizations today ....