Controlling
and
limiting
anger
is
important
in
every
aspect
of
one’s
life.
Without
control,
you
are
putting
limits
on
what
you
can
accomplish.
Anger
can
....
$60.00
In
this
basics
course,
you
will
learn
basic
accounting
terminology
and
identify
the
differences
between
the
cash
and
accrual
accounting
methods.
Topics
include
using
a
....
$60.00
Can
you
tell
if
someone
is
telling
the
truth
just
by
looking
at
them?
It
is
a
skill
that
a
lot
of
people
do
not
....
$60.00
Everyday
businesses
deal
with
budgets
and
financial
reports
in
some
form
or
fashion.
At
a
minimum,
business
managers
review
budget
numbers
and
run
financial
reports
....
$60.00
Through
this
Business
Acumen
workshop,
you
will
improve
your
judgment
and
decisiveness
skills.
Business
Acumen
is
all
about
seeing
the
big
picture
and
recognizing
that
....
$60.00
This
course
examines
the
basics,
most
importantly
to
be
considerate
of
others,
dress/appearance,
the
workplace
versus
social
situations,
business
meetings,
proper
introductions
and
"the
handshake",...
$60.00
Writing
is
a
key
method
of
communication
for
most
people,
and
it’s
one
by
which
many
people
struggle.
Writing
and
communication
skills
have
decreased
with
....
$60.00
Change
is
a
constant
in
many
of
our
lives.
All
around
us,
technologies,
processes,
people,
ideas,
and
methods
often
change,
affecting
the
way
we
perform
....
$60.00
What
society
seems
to
be
gaining
in
terms
of
both
knowledge
and
technological
advancement,
it’s
losing
out
on
basic
social
values
that
directly
impact
real
....
$60.00
Your
low
performing
employee
failed
to
complete
even
the
most
basic
functions
of
the
job
after
you
spoke
with
them
about
poor
performance.
This
employee
....
$60.00
For
the
better
part
of
every
day,
we
are
communicating
to
and
with
others.
Whether
it’s
the
speech
you
deliver
in
the
boardroom,
the
level
....
$60.00
An
well
designed
and
delivered
annual
review
can
help
you
keep
your
employees
happy,
engaged,
and
focused.
It
is
human
nature
to
want
to
succeed.
....
$60.00
Wherever
two
or
more
people
come
together,
there
is
bound
to
be
conflict.
This
course
will
give
participants
a
seven-step
conflict
resolution
process
that
they
....
$60.00
Webinars
are
a
great
inexpensive
way
to
reach
a
large
number
of
people.
Webinars
are
great
tools
if
you
want
to
train
employees,
demonstrate
a
....
$60.00
In
the
past
few
decades,
psychologists
and
business
people
alike
have
discovered
that
successful
problem
solvers
tend
to
use
the
same
type
of
process
to
....
$60.00
Crisis
management
is
as
important
as
finance
management,
personnel
management,
etc.
Having
a
clear
and
effective
program
and
plan
for
an
event
is
critical
not
....
$60.00
Critical
Thinking
provides
you
with
the
skills
to
analyze
and
evaluate
information.
With
these
skills
you
are
able
to
obtain
the
greatest
amount
of
knowledge
....
$60.00
Each
and
every
one
of
us
serves
customers,
whether
we
realize
it
or
not.
This
Customer
Service
workshop
will
look
at
all
types
of
customers
....
$60.00
Every
organization
is
responsible
for
ensuring
Cyber
Security.
The
ability
to
protect
its
information
systems
from
impairment
or
even
theft
is
essential
to
success.
Implementing
....
$60.00
Delivering
Constructive
Criticism
is
one
of
the
most
challenging
skills
for
supervisors
to
master.
Through
this
workshop
participants
will
gain
valuable
knowledge
and
skills
that
....
$60.00
Children
have
an
innate
creative
ability
when
they
are
born,
but
for
many
reasons,
as
adults
much
of
that
creativity
is
lost.
Participants
will
learn
....
$60.00
Our
Digital
Citizenship
course
will
give
your
participants
the
guidance
needed
in
the
ever-changing
digital
world.
As
our
lives
are
lived
more
and
more
online,
....
$60.00